Stories of


Feb. 12, 2021

The Adventures Begin!

By Casey and Mike

Oliver, you are 8 weeks old! You’ve found your hands and your tongue. You’ve started to fixate on objects and our voices. And you’re doing great at lifting your head and shoulders up! You pick up so much from your surroundings so we’ve been trying to find new places for you to see.

There is always some sort of germaphobe feelings when it comes to letting someone hold your newborn, especially during cold/flu season, but during the COVID pandemic it’s a bit more extreme. Mom and dad have been very cautious about who you meet and taking you places. We’ve been doing video chats with friends and family since we were in the hospital. Now, you’ve gotten so big and we’ve been doing great breastfeeding/building immunity for other viruses, and the COVID vaccine is starting to roll out, so we’re slowly starting to do more things and go more places. You’ll also get your two-month vaccines next week. We hope you’ll be a world traveler some day but first we will start small (and safe).

First, Mimi came to stay with you for a couple of hours while we went to a diaper party for our good friends and your future playmate, Calvin, who is due next month! It was our first time away from you which was equally freeing and nerve-racking. It was great to see a few good friends while we were there, but we just couldn’t stop thinking of you! We knew you were in great hands and Mimi had so much fun playing with you.

Then we took you down to meet Uncle Eric and Aunt Sara, and your cousins Nathan, Taylor, and Tyler. They all were so excited to meet you but I think your cousin Taylor may have been the most excited. She held you for practically the whole visit which was a nice break for mom and dad. It was so wonderful for you to meet them and we cannot wait to do more trips down to Byron! Plus your cousin Taylor is going to make a great babysitter for when mom and dad go out to the breweries with Uncle Eric and Aunt Sara.

Next, we did a visit to Grandma Sue and Grandpa Tom’s house in Farmington. We had a great Sunday morning brunch and you gave Grandpa so many smiles. You are going to get to see them a lot because Grandma is helping watch you when mom goes back to work full-time. You got to see dad’s old room and all of the toys Grandma has been getting for you (you loved the swing)! Next week, mom starts work again (at-home, part-time) and soon Grandma will start coming up to watch you.

We then took you and Dani to Mimi and Grandpa George’s house for dinner. You slept through most of it but you were still so excited. Dani showed you off like a proud big sister. While we ate, we sat you in a bouncer chair that had a mobile above it and you reached for the toys! You also got to wear mom’s old Carleton College sweatshirt from when she was a baby.

Now, you’re probably wondering “what was my first brewery visit?” On a cold Minnesota Saturday we took you to your first-of-many: Modist Brewing. We picked that one because of their seriousness with safety precautions, reservation-only spacious seating, and the good beer. We went right when it opened so there were just a few people. We felt a little anxious being out in a public place and don’t plan on doing much until that vaccine rolls out more, but mom and dad got a chance to drink a beer and support local… while you mostly slept!