Just a day after turning six months old we took you on your first vacation. To celebrate Father’s Day, and your uncle Scott, we packed up and headed to South Dakota with the whole Matter family. Thanks to some sound advice from friends, we packed up and took off late Thursday night around your bedtime. We made it to Sioux Falls in about 3 hours before you woke up, and then met grandma and grandpa plus aunt Chrissy and cousin Ava and stayed the night. We were worried about how you’d do in a hotel, but we were thoroughly impressed—you only woke up once!
We should take a moment to mention that just before we went out on our trip, you had your 6-month checkup at the doctor. Mom shared a little about your sleeping habits (you were still waking up every few hours throughout the night) and the doctor recommended we get you started on REAL solids (not just baby cereal) right away. She thought you just weren’t getting enough calories during the day and that was keeping you up at night. (You should’ve seen mom’s jaw hit the floor at the mention of you not getting enough calories.. we are ALWAYS nursing!) Anyway, she was right because you took to pureed veggies, beans, oats, and fruit like a champ, and you also slept amazingly throughout the entire vacation.

You weren't the biggest fan of green beans.
After the first night, uncle Eric and aunt Sara and their family met us at the hotel in the morning. Cousin Taylor jumped in our car (to entertain you for the rest of the drive) and we were off to the Badlands of South Dakota.

It was a hot day but you had so much fun seeing the sights. We stopped at a few scenic areas, took in the views of the topography and wildlife, and commemorated your uncle Scott. Mom and Dad had never been to the Badlands before so it was a first for all of us. After the Badlands we made a quick stop at Wall Drug before making our way to our home—an awesome cabin—for the weekend.

Grandma Sue found the home for us and it was perfect for all our families. You loved hanging out at the kitchen table eating food and seeing all your cousins buzzing around you. It was the perfect place for us to come back to every day and relax after a fun day of sight seeing.

You loved being part of the action. Whether it was hiking around Devils Tower in Wyoming (the third state you can check off your list!), seeing Mount Rushmore, or walking around Silvian Lake, you loved being out and about. You were never fussy or mad, you had the biggest smiles on your face. Your cousins loved hiking and climbing over rocks and you watched them with envy. But don’t worry in a few years you will be tagging along with them on our next family vacation.

We hope you love to travel and learn just as much as we do!