Stories of


May 10, 2022

North Shore

By Casey and Mike

The Matters continue to be busy as summer quickly approaches. We took our first family vacation together a few weeks ago up to Duluth and the North Shore. The weather wasn’t the greatest but we made a great time out of the trip regardless.

We started through Duluth hitting up Mom and Dad’s favorite breweries in town. First we did lunch at Canal Park brewing, then went over to Hoops Brewing. You loved running around their open space and there were lots of things to get in too. We made one last stop at Ursa Minor brewing before making our way up to Two Harbors.

Playing games at the breweries.

We stayed in a charming, updated, Victorian style home in the heart of Two Harbors. It was the perfect place for us to relax and recharge. We didn’t have your usual chair so Dad made you a makeshift one with a bunch of pillows and you loved it! We settled in for the night and watched a movie bed.

Relaxing like you own the place.

The next day after getting some (amazing!) coffee we head up to Gooseberry falls. The water was rushing in full force and even though the path was snowy we made the best of it. On the way back from Gooseberry we stopped at a beach and you loved playing in the sand. We made one last stop at Castle Danger brewery before grabbing pizza and heading back to our place.


Gooseberry falls.

It wasn’t the longest vacation in the world but it was such an amazing time. We can’t wait to take you more places. Mom is especially excited to take you to Germany some day but that may wait till you get a little older.