It continues to be a busy year for the Matters. We moved in to our new home in July and have been settling in. We loved our place in Richfield but wanted more space (we’ve been looking since you started really walking!). We have been slowly making the place our own with little projects. We love our backyard (and so does Dani) and you love your new bedroom. So much more space for us to grow into.

Exploring your new home!

Water time in the yard.
On top of loving the new house, you and Grandma are having a blast finding all the fun parks. There are at least four amazing parks (and a beach!) within walking distance and you both routinely visit them all in a single day!

Sand is the best!

Loving the playsets.
We are also pretty close to the Minnesota Zoo. You’ve gone a few times with us, grandma, and Taylor. We’ve had so much fun watching and learning about all kinds of animals, as well as getting some time outside. You’re always so tired afterward but you have a wonderful time.

Oliver and cousin Taylor at the Zoo!
Another recent adventure is that you started swim lessons! You are such a fish and love the water. You especially love drinking it and you especially hate when we encourage you to float on your back. But we can only show up at swim lessons one minute before they start, because as soon as you see the water we cannot keep you from jumping right in!

Fun fact: your lessons are in the same pool where mama took lessons!
Oh, and speaking of wanting a bigger home… well, part of that reason is you are going to be a big brother! We are excited to have another baby Matter in May but Mom and Dad are a little bit overwhelmed by the craziness ahead (maybe a lot a bit). But we are so lucky to have an amazing support group and are excited to see you become a big brother!